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    School Selection Process Introduction

    • Introduction from School Selection Process Team

    • The SSP Guide

    • SSP Materials: What to Expect + Time Commitment

    • The Interview Process Overview

    • Interview Offer Windows

    • Best Practices for Navigating Interviews + SSP Reminders

    • Check for Understanding

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    Resume Building

    • Guide to Creating the Ultimate Resident Resume

    • Resume Template

    • Additional Tips for Building Your Teacher Resume

    • Updated Resume Submission

    • Is Your Resume Submission Ready? Resume Checklist

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    Develop Your Elevator Pitch - Promote your BEST SELF

    • Elevator Pitch: What is an elevator pitch?

    • Examples of Elevator Pitches

    • Strategy You Can Use to Help You Write Your Own Elevator Pitch (Optional) (*this was created for Cohort 2021 but is relevant to all future cohorts)

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    Communication Etiquette

    • 13 Rules to Follow when it comes to emails

    • "What Not To Say" - Feedback from our School Partners

    • Check for Understanding: Communication

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    Interview Skills

    • Tips for Interviewing

    • Interview Questions to Answer and Ask Resource Guide

    • Interview Role Play

    • Schedule a Mock Interview w/ the SSP Team (Optional)

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    DC's Landscape

    • Get to Know DC's School Partners

    • Data About DC Students + Education

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    Final Checklist

    • Final Checklist + SSP Resources