
  • 1

    Module 1: Overview & Handbook

    • Welcome to edTPA - Overview and Handbook

    • edTPA Overview & Handbook Introduction Part 1

    • Sample PPR Questions

    • Michaela Gray - My edTPA Journey

    • edTPA Overview & Handbook Introduction Part 2

    • EdThena Completion Acknowledgment

  • 2

    Module 2: Handbook Exploration

    • Kruth_M edTPA video

    • edTPA Module 2_ Handbook Exploration.pdf

    • Assessment Handbook Introduction Acknowledgment

  • 3

    Module 3: Task Overviews & Timelines

    • M. Keyes - My edTPA Journey

    • edTPA Module 3_Task Overview & Timelines -1-15.pdf

    • Initial Verification

    • edTPA Module 3_Task Overview & Timelines -17-19.pdf

    • edTPA Module 3_Task Overview & Timelines -21.pdf

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